INBONIS Rating: five years of major innovations rating European SMEs

June 3, 2024.

INBONIS Rating appoints Hugo Bänziger as Chairman of the Board of Directors to lead a new phase of European expansion

March 21, 2024.

Family businesses are more financially sound than non-family businesses when their credit ratings are assessed

February 28, 2024.

Sarai Criado Nuevo appointed INBONIS Rating Chief Corporate Development Officer

March 21, 2023.

Oportunidades de financiación pública- Documento

January 16, 2023.

INBONIS, reconocida por International Finance Corporation y SME Finance Forum por innovar en la financiación de las pymes

September 28, 2022.

INBONIS celebrates three years democratising credit ratings

May 30, 2022.

Alberto Navalpotro: “INBONIS exists to facilitate the inclusion of SMEs in the financial sector”.

May 4, 2022.

SME credit rating is gaining ground in the Valencian Region

April 29, 2022.

Israel Pérez Corrales, new Chief Operating Officer Officer (COO) of INBONIS Rating

January 31, 2022.

The Spanish State will save between 20 and 60 million euros by using the rating to access the COFIDES Recapitalisation Fund

September 15, 2021., the alternative financing blog for medium-sized companies, is launched

April 23, 2021.

INBONIS Rating joins Paris EUROPLACE to contribute to the exchanges and work of the Paris market players

April 5, 2021.

Valencia, a pioneer in the use of credit ratings for public financing

February 25, 2021.

Pacte PME and INBONIS Rating join forces to help French SMEs to grow

January 29, 2021.

The SME Credit Rating arrives in Cantabria

October 1, 2020.

Gigas Hosting, first MAB company qualified by INBONIS

June 23, 2020.

INBONIS Rating identifies SME segments that should receive public support to mitigate the crisis

April 8, 2020.

INBONIS Rating, awarded by COFIDES at the Internationalization and Development Awards

February 21, 2020.

Good news for a good start to 2020

January 16, 2020.

INBONIS publishes ratings of high-growth Spanish SMEs

November 4, 2019.

Inbonis Rating and Informa D&B join forces to display the credit rating of SMEs in Spain

October 30, 2019.

INBONIS RATING is presented in Paris

September 15, 2019.

INBONIS RATING: First credit rating agency specialised in SMEs in Europe

July 20, 2019.

ESMA registers INBONIS as credit rating agency

May 27, 2019.

INBONIS opens a subsidiary in Paris with the support of Cofides

May 1, 2019.

Strategic collaboration between INBONIS and Arkéa Lending Services

March 15, 2019.

François David, new Chairman of INBONIS

July 17, 2018.

INBONIS disembarks in Latin America at the hands of the IDB

March 27, 2018.

INBONIS gets accreditation B Corp

February 14, 2018.

INBONIS will participate in Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia as a specialist in models for the credit rating of SMEs

January 18, 2018.

Gert Pregel, new Director of Data, Modeling & Analytics at INBONIS

May 12, 2017.

INBONIS incorporated in Madrid

October 23, 2015.

Press appearances

Daf magazine

Medium-sized companies, more performing than other companies

October 24, 2022.

Option Finance

Medium-sized companies can do better

October 24, 2022.

El periodic

IVF collaborates with Inbonis Rating to increase the security of its operations

October 3, 2022.

Valencia Plaza

Alberto S. Navalpotro: “We want to democratize credit rating”

June 21, 2022.


What are the tools to access the relaunch obligations?

June 17, 2022.

Revista Fundación Haz

Inbonis: the activist rating agency

June 10, 2022.

The Objective

Business and ethics: the key role of companies in improving democracy

June 4, 2022.

Cinco Días - El País

Inbonis Rating aims to reach 3,000 SME credit ratings by 2025

June 2, 2022.

La Razón

Valencia is the first autonomous region to use credit rating to ensure that public funding reaches viable companies

May 30, 2022.

Valencia Plaza

Inbonis helps credit rating to make inroads into the business world

May 3, 2022.


Inbonis establishes itself in Valencia and expands SME ratings

April 18, 2022.

RRHH Press

Inbonis Rating appoints Israel Perez Corrales, new chief operating officer

February 1, 2022.

El Español / Invertia

For a more ambitious ‘Create and Grow’ SME law

December 23, 2021.

El País / Cinco Días

Small businesses, the next step for neobanks

December 22, 2021.

Les Echos

In the maze of CSR labels and ratings

December 7, 2021.


Relance bonds have a brighter future than equity loans

December 7, 2021.


New financing is being deployed for SMEs

November 24, 2021.

Radio Intereconomía - 25'30''

“The standardization of rating in public financing processes is great news”

September 20, 2021.

Europa Press

Cofides completes the selection of 26 advisors and the rating agency Inbonis for the Recapitalization Fund

September 17, 2021.


Credit rating can save up to €60 million in SME bailouts

September 16, 2021.


Rescue of 200 hotel, tourism and food SMEs already activated

September 16, 2021.


Government asks Brussels to extend the SME fund until June 2022

September 16, 2021.


Private-public partnerships to ensure long term financing for #SMEs in Europe

July 28, 2021.

El Confidencial

Transparency and objectivity to restore the solvency of SMEs

February 22, 2021.

Europa Press

Cantabria launches a pilot project which will make it easier for SMEs to obtain liquidity

October 1, 2020.

Diario Montañés

We will do between 50 and 60 ratings in Cantabria in one year

July 16, 2020.


The Cámara supports a credit rating plan for SMEs

June 26, 2020.


State-guaranteed loan: how SMEs will repay it

May 23, 2020.

L' Opinion

“By concentrating its support on less than 1.5% of SMEs, the state can solve much of the crisis”

May 20, 2020.

Les Echos

Coronavirus: which SMBs to support first?

April 15, 2020.

Empresa Exterior

Cofides recognizes companies and institutions that contribute to promoting internationalization

February 23, 2020.

Cinco Días

Cofides awards Grupo Ortiz and Inbonis Rating for their trajectory abroad

February 21, 2020.

La Razón

Rating becomes more democratic

January 16, 2020.

El Economista

Inbonis and Informa join forces to qualify SMEs

November 21, 2019.

Forbes Negocios

Inbonis and Informa join forces to roll out credit ratings for SMEs

November 3, 2019.


Inbonis Rating aims to make SME financing more fluid

October 1, 2019.


Private debt: another way to finance your business

September 25, 2019.

Le Figaro

Inbonis, a financial rating agency for SMEs

September 13, 2019.

Les Echos

An industry in full transformation

September 13, 2019.

Les Echos

Birth of the first European credit rating agency for SMEs

September 13, 2019.

L'Agefi Quotidien

InbonisRating, the first dedicated labelling arrangement SMEs in Europe

September 13, 2019.

Affiches Parisiennes

Launch of the rating agency for SME credit Inbonis Rating

September 6, 2019.


The rating is extended to SMEs: the first rating firm arrives in Spain

August 20, 2019.

Cinco Días

Towards a financing ecosystem for SMEs

August 1, 2019.

Empresa Exterior

Presented at COFIDES Inbonis Rating, the first rating agency specialising in SMEs in Europe.

June 20, 2019.

El Diario Vasco

Inbonis Rating, the first SME rating agency in Europe, is born

June 20, 2019.

La Vanguardia

Inbonis Rating, the first SME rating agency in Europe, is born

June 20, 2019.

El Confidencial

Inbonis Rating, the first SME rating agency in Europe, is born

June 20, 2019.


COFIDES supports the access of the INBONIS technology company to the French market

May 13, 2019.


INBONIS achieves the B Corp accreditation with a high score

April 12, 2018.

Diario Responsable

The Inbonis fintech is accredited as a new B Corp

February 17, 2018.

Europa Press

The Fintech Inbonis receives the ‘B Corporation’ accreditation for its commitment to society and the environment

February 16, 2018.

Nuevo lunes

“The private debt market has grown a lot and is going to grow more”

June 25, 2017.

La Razon

INBONIS off-ering free credit reports to help SMEs improve their financing

February 6, 2017.

Cinco Días

Technology to solve the Bank-Small Business issue

January 23, 2017.

Voz Populi

Technology is creating ever-more innovation opportunities in favour of SMEs

November 20, 2016.

Cinco Dias

INBONIS study reveals Spanish SMEs paying 10% above banks’ cost of capital in commissions, collateral and cross-selling

November 13, 2016.

Cinco Dias

INBONIS has developed a powerful algorithm that calculates the real risk of SMEs

September 16, 2016.

Estrategia Empresarial

INBONIS on a mission to deliver better lending conditions for SMEs

July 7, 2016.

Events participation